unlessを使いたい(I wanna use “unless”)



I wanna use OTHERWISE and UNLESS. Recently , i knew those.

I  am supposed to go GYM , unless it is rain.  I wanna learn English too.

I wanna use word UNLESS. I will use next time.

最近のオンライン英会話レッスン(Recent online Englis lesson)





Tutors told me “You are friendly” , when I take online English lessons. I am probably getting better than I used to.

However , I kind of feel nervous durling lessons , and before the lessons more.

I am supposed to take lessons three times a week. But I want four.

They often ask me “Did you achive the goal?” when we finish the lesson. I wanna reply them “YES!!” , staying positive.


日本人について思うこと(I think about Japanese people)



Almost all Japanese dislike rude persons. You don't have to put your legs on a table when you have a meal with Japanese.

自分の仕事について書いてみる(I will write about my job.)



I do editing. I work in a editrial department as editor , sometimes as writer. Recently , I don't go to office, and I work from home almost every day. I usually research from SNS.







Recently , I have to help my daughter with her homework. My daughter is elementary school student in first grade.

It's hard to help her with her homework.... I think she is too young to concentrate on studying.

I don't wanna make her study. I wanna say「You can make it!」「You will play the game with iPad!」. I will do my best!

I'm not sureについて(About “I'm not sure”)


その中で、今回ためになった話が、「I don't know」は強すぎる意味合いがあるから、「I'm not sure」や「I have no idea」あたりを使ったほうが柔らかい表現になるよ、というもので、けっこう役立ちそうですね。オンライン英会話で。


I usually watch YouTube when I have free time. So there are many youtubers who teach us English in videos.

And I knew useful sentense“I'm not sure” and “I have no idea” because“I don't know” is very harsh. I hope it is useful in online English lessons.